summer flowers
My mother has always had green fingers despite droughts, fires etc.
Her garden grows and grows. Before my eyes. Every time I visit its lush and beautiful! With a lot of love and of course work. In all the houses we lived through my childhood, I remember we always has beautiful gardens.
Without a doubt, everyone has always wanted to get married, have a party or baby shower around the blooms. Obviously, my mum always agreed, and the parties never ended. Such happy memories for me. Summer flowers have always brought lots of fun.
Her current garden is on the Fish Hoek Mountain, and she has chosen fynbos and succulents as we have had a very
bad drought, yet through the drought each plant was looked after by litres and litres of recycled bucket water from the bath, showers and the water contraption that they installed.
After the most amazing rains we have recently been blessed with the garden is blooming and its September! Her mountain is buzzing with sun birds, sugar birds and bees. There is constant chatter of happy birds and a silent hum of sensational insects.
Its late 00:59am and I need to sleep, so hope this all makes perfect sense. The moral of the story is I love my mother’s garden and all the happiness it brings to all of us. Her summer flowers never fail.
Here are some really beautiful pictures I took on this very sunny day today, oh and what’s a garden without cats… sleeping in a ball you will find Olly or Richard Parker. Chelsea walks the catwalk often and it’s her best place to be.
Love your descriptions and gorgeous photos, Lol. The various homes of your Mom’s that I was so lucky to visit, were all such happy homes! But then she is a very special person, with two very special daughters! ???
Bless you Wendy! Such wonderful memories and special times, that remain in my heart forever.