Meet the Aardvark: Africa’s Night time Digging Marvel

August 20, 2024
Juvenile Aardvark

I truly believe that this is something that Marvel Entertainment cannot even create.  This gorgeous animal is so super small, truly unique and so special.  I have seen one Aardvark in my life. And I can tell you I was so overwhelmed and excited. I couldn’t take a photograph of it.  This is a truly blessed sighting, so if you can tick it off while on Safari, you have great luck!

Look at the Aardvarks nose

To begin with, the aardvark’s name comes from the Afrikaans word meaning “earth pig.” Despite this, it is not related to pigs at all. Instead, it belongs to its order, Tubulidentata, making it the only one of its kind. This alone is impressive, highlighting how special the aardvark is in the animal kingdom.

Next, let’s talk about its appearance. Aardvarks have a body built for digging. With powerful limbs and shovel-like claws, they can burrow through tough soil with ease. Their long, sticky tongues—reaching up to 30 centimetres—are perfect for slurping up ants and termites, their favourite food. An aardvark can consume tens of thousands of insects in a single night!

Furthermore, the aardvark’s nocturnal habits add to its mystery. They emerge from their burrows after sunset, spending the night searching for food. By dawn, they retreat to the safety of their underground homes. These caves are not only shelters but also provide habitats for other animals once the aardvarks move on.

Small aardvark legs and tail

In addition to their digging prowess, aardvarks are also great swimmers. They can easily cross rivers, using their strong limbs and streamlined bodies to glide through the water. This adaptability is another reason why aardvarks thrive in a variety of environments across sub-Saharan Africa.

Aardvark on the hunt

Finally, while aardvarks are solitary creatures, they play a vital role in the ecosystem. By controlling termite and ant populations, they help maintain balance in their habitats. Their abandoned burrows also serve as shelters for other animals like warthogs and hyenas.

The aardvark is one of Africa’s most fascinating and elusive creatures. Although it might not be as famous as the Big Five, this nocturnal mammal has some remarkable features that make it truly unique.

In conclusion, the Aardvark may not be Africa’s most celebrated animal, but it is certainly one of its most intriguing. With its unique features and important ecological role, the Aardvark deserves recognition as a true marvel of the wild.

The Amazing Aardvark

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  • Sasha
    August 26, 2024

    What a cute animal! Looks like a mix between a kangoroo and piglet! I would also want to live in South Africa! So beautiful and amazing! You are lucky!

    • WildFlower
      August 26, 2024

      I must say I feel very blessed to live in a country where there is so much wildlife. South Africa is a beautiful country. Where do you come from?

      • elizabeth
        August 26, 2024

        I love aardvarks but there are not here in Ireland where I live! Great Post!

  • Ginger
    August 27, 2024

    Why have I never heard of an aardvark? They are so cute and play an essential role in the ecosystem as you mentioned. Thank you for introducing me to another wonderful animal.

  • Sally
    September 11, 2024

    I’d love to see this animal! It’s so cute!

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